“As we are intentional in our calling to visit the sick, we can trust that we are engaged in a divine task — souls are being loved and nurtured; we ourselves are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ; the gospel is being revealed through this ministry; and God is being glorified.”
– Brian Croft
Despite encountering delays during our travel from Benguet to Manila due to color-coding on our vehicles, flat tires and heavy rain, God brought us safely to our transient accommodations in Manila. After almost half a day of travelling, we made it to our place in Pasig City at around 11:00 p.m. Dinner arrived at 12:30 a.m and everyone finally got to turn in for the night at 1:00 a.m.
The next morning, we left Pasig at 6:30am to meet up with Sis. Lisa Siebert and her team from Vision Isaiah 58 for the Homless Inc. This ministry is among those our church supports by sending school supplies, toys, toiletries, used clothing, and books through the generosity of our members. In turn, Vision Isaiah distributes these items through their various ministries at hospitals and to street children and families.
Today, we had the great privilege to join them in one of their outreaches at the Cancer Institute at PGH. Our team met with 7 sisters in Christ who regularly volunteers to help in the outreach. Some of them leave their homes at 5:00 a.m. and travel for 2 hours twice a week, paying their own expenses to minister and share the Gospel to the sick. Yet another humbling experience to witness such passion for God.
In entering the Cancer Institute building, most of us did not know what to expect. We had to brace ourselves and trust God that He will use whatever we can offer to minister to about 60 patients (men, women and children) waiting to be seen by the doctors. We were given the chance to talk to them, share the Gospel with them and pray for them.
We realize that there is nothing we can do to take them out of their situation, but God can. He can offer them something that lasts, even if they are defeated by cancer. One thing that hit me the most is the courage that the children had despite their circumstances; the smile on their faces just breaks you down.
Pastor Sonny was also given a chance to give a short message to the parents and also give away some items that our church had previously sent to Vision Isaiah 58.
Please include the Vision Isaiah 58 volunteers in your prayers as they continue to minister to the sick and share the Gospel to them each week.