Feeling Nostalgic

As 2023 comes to a close, we may find ourselves reflecting on the many years gone by. Is nostalgic reflection helpful? Is it scriptural? Pastor Sonny discusses this in today’s worship service.

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The Faithful Husband

Merry Christmas! As we celebrate our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Bro. Philip Llapitan shares a special message in our series on how the Old Testament points to Christ as the Faithful One.

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It’s All About Him

Continuing our Advent Series, Bro. Eugune Daylusan shares how the Old Testament is centered entirely around Christ, not only in foretelling His birth, death, and resurrection but also in showing us who He is.

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The Decalogue: Tenth Word

Coveting represents a deeper issue of the heart that ultimately leads to the transgression of the rest of the commandments. In this week’s message, Pastor Sonny finishes up our mini-series on The Decalogue by discussing this Tenth Commandment and how it goes beyond simply desiring what others have, and how the law reveals our sinfulness, […]

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