“Youth ministry is not about getting things accomplished – only the act of God can bring about the transformation we seek. Youth ministry is about participating deeply in young people’s lives as we await, together in suffering & joy, the coming of God.”
– Andrew Root
We had an early start today with much anticipation. During the planning stage, we were expecting about 500 youth to join our day-long conference with the theme “The Me I Want To Be: Becoming God’s Best Version Of You.” But God, in His faithfulness, brought 875 youth and pastors from 36 different churches to hear His message about how to close the gap between who we are right now to the person that God wants us to be.
The GBC Youth Band opened the conference by leading a time of Praise & Worship through songs. Pastor Sonny delivered the first message about the necessity of spiritual growth in our Christian walk. After the message, a breakout session was conducted for about an hour which was led by each church’s youth leaders. In the small groups, an in-depth discussion took place and each youth was given a chance to ask questions. The breakout session was followed by lunch.
Upon reconvening, the youth band once again led a blessed time of worship. The second message was delivered by Elijah Guzman. He talked about “Renewing of the Mind” being the first step towards our spiritual growth. Another breakout session then took place after the second message. The third session was opened by a couple of games that revved up the participants’ energy even more. After the exciting games, Joshua Del Rosario who is our youth coordinator delivered the last message about the “Unstoppable Community of Love.” He talked about experiencing the renewal of the mind and spiritual growth thereof as a community with a commitment in having deep relationships.
The conference was closed with more Praise and Worship singing that kept on going as the Youth in attendance did not want to stop singing.
It was indeed a blessed time to witness such enthusiasm and passion for Jesus, coming from almost 900 youth. May the Gospel be the center of this generation’s lives. God is faithful, God is gracious and all glory and honor belongs to Him.