As we can see from Moses’ parents in Exodus 2, an important part of preparing your children for the world is to put them in their proper place, teaching them how, both spiritually and practically, to get along in the challenging world that they will face.
Continuing into the Book of Exodus, Pastor Sonny explains what we can learn from Moses’ parents on how to raise children to have faith and fear of God in a world that is leading them in the opposite direction.
As human beings we are limited in our ability to know what the future holds, but if we have faith and fear of God, like the midwives Shiphrah and Puah did in standing up to Pharaoh in Exodus 1, we can know that it will always end up for our ultimate good.
Suffering is not God’s way of punishing us for our sins, but rather a way of helping us to grow in our faith and trust in God’s grace. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny explains how Exodus reminds us of that truth, and how the scars of our suffering are there to remind us to […]
We continue our journey through the Book of Exodus with Pastor Sonny describing how Israel’s sojourn in Egypt ultimately served God’s purposes to protect them, help them to grow, and prepare them for everything He had in store for them.