As Christians, we all should be continuously growing to become more and more like Christ, but that’s not just a growth in faith, but a growth in works and action. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny unpacks this from scripture and introduces the new book that we will be disussing during this year’s Wednesday Prayer […]
The Bible teaches us that there is a kind of busyness that is “necessary” and if we can only see the value of choosing this necessity, the rest of our lives will fall into place. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny explains this from the story of Mary and Martha.
Fear, by itself, is not bad — it was created by God to keep us free and protect us from harm. Like everything else created by God, however, it’s been corrupted by sin. How do we realign our fears and get them back under God’s control? Pastor Sonny discusses this from the life of the […]
God designed human beings with the need to rest in order to function properly. Without rest, human beings tend to get “burned out” both physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. The question is, what does it mean for us to rest? Pastor Sonny shares the answer to that question in biblical terms, so that we […]
What does the transaction of redemption look like for that? Who is the one who receives payment? Who is the one who pays? Who is the one paid for? And what was the cost of the payment? In today’s message, Pastor Sonny explores the answers to these questions in our continuing study of the Book […]