The Rescuer, Part 5

In Genesis 39, Joseph was bold in doing the right thing even if it led to suffering and jail, but quiet when being slandered even if it led to suffering and jail. What do we do as Christians when it comes to doing the right thing and standing up for our faith in a broken […]

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The Rescuer, Part 4

It’s not a sin to be tempted, but how do we avoid succumbing to temptation? In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny explains how Joseph gives us an example of how to overcome temptation — by valuing God above all else.

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The Rescuer, Part 3

God’s earthly blessings can and will be used by our enemy, Satan, in order to rob us of God’s spiritual blessings. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny explains how this is demonstrated by the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife.

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The Rescuer, Part 2

As the story of Joseph shows, God doesn’t shield His rescuers from pains and trials on the way to using them to rescue His people, but He does show His faithfulness, His consistency, His never changing nature, and His every abiding presence.

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The Rescuer, Part 1

Our greatest need for rescue is from the very wrath of God Himself because of the sin that is in each of us, and for that we need a special kind of rescuer — One who will satisfy God’s demand for perfection and humility and love. A rescuer who will ultimately give Himself up as […]

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