Bro. Eugune explains what the BIble means by the Fear of the Lord, and more importantly, why we should have a proper, reverent fear of God.
Bro. Eugune Daylusan explains how we should turn to God when struggling with pride and self-sufficiency, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of vengeance like Samson did.
Bro. Eugune Daylusan shares a message from the Bethlehem Pastors & Leaders Conference on why we need encouragement and why it’s important for us to encourage one another.
Bro. Eugune continues our Christmas series on The Women of Advent by expanding on the story of Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah and later King David.
Bro. Eugune Daylusan speaks on the importance and purpose of fervent prayer, and the result of it that can be seen in Acts 12.