Pastor Sonny returns to our study of the Book of Galatians by outlining Paul’s description of his experience of the Gospel, and how it’s important to know how the Gospel “tastes” to each of us, rather than simply understanding its “ingredients.”
Pastor Sonny delves into the beginning of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, explaining how Paul opens the letter by reiterating his apostleship, but more importantly defending the true Gospel and the authority of the scriptures.
Pastor Sonny continues his introduction to the Galatians with an explanation of how it applies to today’s tendency to preach an incomplete, or watered down version of the gospel, rather than proclaiming the ultimate good news of the true, full Gospel.
Pastor Sonny kicks off our new expository series for 2019 on the Book of Galatians by setting the stage, explaining the issues facing the church in Galatia at the time, and why it’s important for us to study the Book of Galatians.
Pastor Sonny brings out study of the Book of Ecclesiastes to a conclusion by summarizing the importance of studying Ecclesiastes and what we should learn from it, emphasizing that we sould have a higher purpose and reason for our lives.