This week Pastor Sonny returns to our study of the book of Ephesians, continuing into Ephesians 6:1 – 4 with a discussion on Paul’s exhortation for children of all ages to obey, honour, and respect their parents in the Lord, and how parents must take on their Godly responsibilities to teach and disciple their children […]
As part of this year’s Daily Vacation Bible School Graduation, Pastor Sonny speaks on the theme of this year’s DVBS, found in Psalms 34:14, and what it means for a Christian to fear God, and how this is the kind of faith that we need to teach our children.
We return to our regularly scheduled services this week with a slight detour from our study of husbands, wives and children in the book of Ephesians to consider the single people within our church family at GBC. Looking at Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 7, Pastor Sonny discusses how singleness is a gift from God […]
Pastor Sonny discusses the theme for our 2017 Family Camp — Christian Unity — in a special Wednesday evening message, outlining the Cause, the Characteristics, and the Considerations of true Christian Unity.
In a special message to commemorate our 34th Anniversary, Pastor Sonny talks about how precious the presence and power of God is in the life of a congregation, using Exodus 33:1–6 as an example.