The Decalogue: Seventh Word

Adultery is marital unfaithfulness or infidelity, which puts the covenant of marriage at the heart of our understanding of the seventh commandment. Pastor Sonny discusses this in our ongoing study of the Book of Exodus.

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The Decalogue: Sixth Word

If honoring everyone means treating all human life with dignity and respect, then the worst thing you can do in disobedience or in rebellion to this command is to take that life away from them. This is what the Sixth Commandment is all about. Pastor Sonny describes how it applies to the Christian walk.

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The Decalogue: Fifth Word

In this week’s message, Pastor Sonny discusses the first commandment that deals with our relationship with other human beings — and the only command with a promise. However, what is God’s real purpose for this commandment? How should we act in obedience to it, and how can I honour parents who are dishonourable?

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The Decalogue: Fourth Word

The Biblical idea of a day of rest has been in effect ever since the beginning of time. For the Israelites in the wilderness, it was a reminder of God’s faithfulness to provide for their needs and therefore reinforce or strengthen their faith in Him. What does it mean for us today? In this week’s […]

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The Decalogue: Third Word

Biblically speaking, names are important, which is why the Third Commandment is seemingly so harsh about prohibiting the taking of the Lord’s name in vain. However, this Commandment is often sorely misunderstood and oversimplified. In this week’s message, Pastor Sonny explains the deeper meaning of God’s Third Commandment in our ongoing series on Exodus.

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