God prescribed some severe punishments for the ancient Israelites who broke His laws in the Book of Exodus. Like the laws on slavery that we’ve studied over the past few messages, these may seem harsh by today’s standards, but they serve as examples that can help us understand and give us the wisdom to apply […]
Pastor Sonny continues our mini-series on the Old Testament laws regarding slavery and God’s purpose for them in setting the Israelites apart for His glory.
Why did God establish laws for the Israelites permitting slavery rather than just forbidding it entirely? Pastor Sonny discusses this in our ongoing series on the Book of Exodus.
Why didn’t God abolish slavery in the Bible? If God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, why did God allow His people to own slaves? Pastor Sonny discusses these questions in our ongoing study of the Book of Exodus.
The improper fear of the Israelites in the presence of God caused them to sin against God in disobedience, but God, out of His great love and mercy, continued the pursuit of His people by not only appointing a representative for the people but also appointing a place where His people can meet with Him […]