Lessons in Leadership

In trying to be faithful to his calling, Moses was going about doing God’s work for the nation of Israel the wrong way, and God used Moses’ father-in-law Jethro to set him straight on the need for helpers. Pastor Sonny continues our series on Exodus and shares what we can learn from this story on […]

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Evangelism 101

What does the conversation between Moses and his father-in-law Jethro in Exodus 18 tell us about evangelism? This week Pastor Sonny returns to our study of the Book of Exodus.

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Prayer Warriors

Whenever the Israelites thought they were putting God to the test in the story of Exodus, it was actually God who was continuing to test them. What can we learn from this part of the story? Pastor Sonny discusses this in our continuing study of the Book of Exodus.

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“I Rest My Case”

The ultimate purpose of God in the Israelites’ journey into the wilderness is to continuously build up and strengthen their faith through testing. How do they respond in this testing, and how does God deal with them?

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