Unity Through Humility, Part 2

Is it possible to have an attitude or mindset of humility given that we are beings naturally wired to be selfish and proud? In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny points to the answer to this question in the second part of our Philippians 2 mini-series on building unity through humility.

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Finish Strong!

In a special message, Bro. Eugune Daylusan explains how we as Christians should run the race to serve our Saviour, finish the race, and win the prize.

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Unity Through Humility, Part 1

Continuing into chapter 2 of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, Pastor Sonny begins exploring the Apostle’s idea of what unity in the church actually means, and how living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ brings both unity and joy by counting others as more significant than ourselves.

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Fearless Living, Part 3

Pastor Sonny concludes our miniseries on “Fearless Living” by explaining how the Apostle Paul’s main goal and passion in life was for Christ to be magnified and glorified, whether by life or by death, and how like Paul’s life, we should pursue fruitful labour in faithful obedience to God’s will for the benefit of others […]

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