Pastor Sonny continues our study of the Book of Galatians with a follow-up on our earlier message on “Christian Hedonism” — posing and answering the question of whether God Himself can be defined as a Hedonist.
Pastor Sonny returns to our study of the Book of Galatians by outlining Paul’s description of his experience of the Gospel, and how it’s important to know how the Gospel “tastes” to each of us, rather than simply understanding its “ingredients.”
Bro. Ramir Carandang shares a message on the topic of Christian Hedonism from the Bethlehem Pastors & Leaders Conference.
Bro. Eugune Daylusan shares a message from the Bethlehem Pastors & Leaders Conference on why we need encouragement and why it’s important for us to encourage one another.
Pastor Sonny delves into the beginning of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, explaining how Paul opens the letter by reiterating his apostleship, but more importantly defending the true Gospel and the authority of the scriptures.