Sacrificial Moms

In a special message for Mother’s Day, Pastor Sonny explains that we should not limit our celebration to only women who have kids of their own, but recognize that all Christian women can have a motherly influence to guide the next generation closer to Christ, and that being a godly mother comes down to a […]

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Resident Evil, Part 1

Concluding our study of chapter 5, Pastor Sonny takes us through Ecclesiastes 5:13–20, discussing how Solomon is now talking about the “evil” that he sees under the sun, and defining what “evil” actually means in Scriptural terms — the root of evil, the fruit of evil, and how it keeps us from finding true joy […]

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More Money, More Problems

We return to our expository series on the Book of Ecclesiastes, with a discussion of Ecclesiastes 5:8–12 — one of the more difficult passages in Ecclesiastes. Pastor Sonny explains how Solomon here discusses how the wealthy often get rich off the poor, how this also relates to modern “Prosperity Gospel” preaching, and how we are […]

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