Pastor Sonny continues last week’s sermon with a look at the first part of Ecclesiastes 2, where the Preacher in Ecclesiastes outlines all that he tried in his grand experiment, still finding it all meaningless and without satisfaction, and that we should honestly look at our lives through the Preacher’s eyes and evaluate what we […]

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Moving into the meat of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Sonny talks about how the Preacher in the book explains that life is unpredictable, yet routine, and that our pursuit of new things and new experiences, while intended to bring excitement in life, ultimately end up being meaningless, and the only key to finding wisdom […]

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Introduction to Ecclesiastes

This week Pastor Sonny begins our new expository series on the Book of Ecclesiastes, with an introductory message explaining why we should be studying Ecclesiastes and the approach that we will be taking as we go through this book of Old Testament Wisdom Literature.

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Installation of Church Leaders

This week is Covenant Sunday and the Installation of new Elders, Deacons, and other Church Leaders, and Pastor Sonny offers exhortation and encouragement regarding the responsibilities of both leaders and members in the church in light of Jesus’ parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14–30.

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When God Messes With Your Plans

How should we respond when we’re seeking God and things in our lives don’t go exactly the way we had planned? Pastor Sonny draws on the God’s Word and some of his own personal life experiences in outlining how even when the seemingly good plans that we’ve made don’t work out, we can always trust […]

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