On the eve of a New Year, Pastor Sonny discusses the proper way to look at New Year’s Resolutions: Why so many of us fail to keep our resolutions, and what God’s prescription is for making resolutions His way.
In our final message for the Advent Season, Pastor Sonny talks about the difference between a prophecy and a promise and explains how prophecies and promises relate to each other in regard to the birth of Christ.
In our third message for the Advent Season, Bro. Ramir discusses how the Old Testament prophecies of the birth of Christ relate to who God is — His nature and His character — using Micah 5:2 to illustrate how God deals with sinners in deserved justice and undeserved grace.
In our second message of the Advent Season, Bro. Eugene Daylusan takes us through one of the most well-known prophecies of the coming of Jesus, found in Isaiah 9:1–7, pointing out the four-fold name of God — Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace — and what each of those names should mean […]
As the Advent Season commences, we begin a series of sermons focusing on the role that prophesies played in the First Advent — the first coming of Christ. This week Pastor Sonny begins the series with a primer on Old Testament Prophecies, laying out the Biblical foundation concerning prophecies and how they relate to God’s […]