What kind of diet does God place the Israelites while in the wilderness and how does He help them to persevere in it?
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny talks about why self-control is not only an important trait for Christians to have, but how we also need to have a better understanding of what self-control really is and where it comes from.
We continue our study of the Book of Lamentations this week as Pastor Sonny moves into the middle of Lamentations 3, where we see that despite the fact that God may allow suffering for His purposes, His mercies are new every morning, and the darkness will not last forever.
Moving into Chapter 3 in our study of the Book of Lamentations, Pastor Sonny explains how the suffering gets more personal, and demonstrates that sometimes God leads us into darkness because He needs to break us down in order to build us back up, and how we can lament to Him and continue seek Him […]
Continuing last week’s message on how seriously God takes sin, Pastor Sonny explains that God allows us to experience the consequences of sin as He knows how serious it is in separating us from Him and experiencing the true joy that can only be found in Him.