In a special Good Friday message, Bro. Alvin Del Rosario explains how suffering can yield good fruit in the Christian life.
Good Friday was God’s greatest tragedy, but it was also His greatest triumph — and it was ours too because of His great love for us. Even Jesus’ own disciples didn’t understand this at first, and sometimes we forget too. In this year’s Good Friday Service, Bro. Jesse Hollington shares a message on embracing the […]
In a special message for resurrection Sunday, Bro. Eugune Daylusan explains seven devastating things that would be true had Jesus Christ not risen from the dead.
In our final sermon in the Cycle of Contentment mini-series and our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, Pastor Sonny concludes by discussing how the Apostle’s motivation for ministry was not for financial gain, but rather seeking the fruit of the church’s growth, beginning the cycle of contentment all over again.
What is the secret to cheerful, generous, willing, giving? Contentment. The Philippians knew how to handle being brought low. Because they were convinced, by faith, that their supply would never run out because they had access to the very power of God through Christ Jesus.