As the men were taking part in the Gospel Outreach in the streets of Sta. Cruz, Manila, the women proceeded to Fabella Hospital to once again join Vision Isaiah 58 volunteers in a Gospel Outreach to moms at the hospital.
Day 12: Gospel Outreach at a Junk Shop in Manila
“…and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” – Isaiah 58:10 (NIV) Today was another early start for the men. They left Pasig at 5:00 a.m....
Day 11: Gospel Outreach to cancer patients at the Philippine General Hospital Cancer Institute in Manila
“As we are intentional in our calling to visit the sick, we can trust that we are engaged in a divine task — souls are being loved and nurtured; we ourselves are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ; the gospel is being revealed through this ministry; and God...
Days Seven, Eight, Nine: Church visitation at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Tuba, Benguet
“Pastors have a very special calling on their lives, and they need to be appreciated, cherished and encouraged as much as possible.” Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Tuba, Benguet is one of the few churches/missionaries that our church supports. This church is led by one of the most hard-working and...
Day Six: First Central Pangasinan Youth Conference
“Youth ministry is not about getting things accomplished – only the act of God can bring about the transformation we seek. Youth ministry is about participating deeply in young people’s lives as we await, together in suffering & joy, the coming of God.” – Andrew Root We had an early...