Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Tuba, Benguet is one of the few churches/missionaries that our church supports. This church is led by one of the most hard-working and dedicated pastors I have met named Pastor Abiatar Pinlac. Pastor Bier started his ministry to the Igorots in Saddle, Tuba, Benguet back in 2001 where he painstakingly walks mountainous terrains for 3 hours to conduct Bible Studies in people’s homes. They now have a daughter church in Km 8, Tuba, Benguet.
The GBC Mission Team’s visit was not only a source of encouragement for Pastor Bier and his wife, Sis. Amy, but a huge blessing and a humbling experience for the team as well. Pastor Sonny delivered a message during their Sunday worship service about our need for God’s presence above anything else. The service was followed by a potluck lunch as part of a warm welcome to the mission team.
On Monday (July 10), we had the privilege to join a small group study at Km. 8 Baptist Church which was led by Bro. Gary Ubando. He did an expository teaching of Psalm 23 which was a huge blessing for all who were present. We also joined a Prayer Meeting on Tuesday (July 11) that was led by Bro. Alvin Del Rosario. He discussed the Three P’s of Prayer which are Persistence, Presence, and Power. Each member of the mission team was then partnered with a member of MBC to spend time in prayer.
Although the time that we were able to spend in Tuba, Benguet was very limited, it was refreshing for the mission team, both physically and spiritually. We finally experienced weather below 40C yet the warmth of the fellowship was overwhelming. God’s presence was absolutely everywhere. May it be in the grandeur of His creation or through the love of His people reflected in selfless ways.