Fearless Living, Part 1

What does it mean to live fearlessly? The Apostle Paul famously told the Christians at Philippi, “To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain,” and in this week’s sermon Pastor Sonny explains exactly what that should mean for all Christians.

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Fear and Anxiety

Pastor Sonny explains how even though we face many fears and anxieties in this fallen world, Jesus did not leave us to deal with these on our own, but rather gave us the Holy Spirit so that we can abide in Christ and experience His peace that passes all understanding in the midst of any […]

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Fear Factor, Part 2

Pastor Sonny continues his discussion pin Solomon’s “commercial break” in Ecclesiastes 5, reviewing what it means to have a healthy fear of God, and then describing the behaviours that should result from this kind of “filial” fear of God the Father, as outlined by Solomon in verses 1–6.

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Fear Factor, Part 1

At the beginning of chapter 5 of Ecclesiastes, Solomon “takes a commercial break” to help us to know and focus on the foundation for all of the wisdom that he has been giving us thus far — that being the fear of God. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Sonny explains exactly what the fear of […]

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